The County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency Behavioral Health Services administers Children, Youth and Families Behavioral Health Services. This provider directory describes the services currently funded by the County of San Diego through the Fee for Service (FFS) Network.
Optum Public Sector San Diego is the Administrative Services Organization that manages the FFS Network.
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Should I see a therapist or a psychiatrist?
Find out which is right for you by calling 1-888-724-7240 to speak to a licensed clinician that can assist you to find the best fit for you or your family member. You may call this number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in any language of your preference.
If you prefer to connect via chat you can go to: www.optumsandiego.com to chat with a counselor Monday through Friday from 4pm to 10pm.
San Diego Access and Crisis Line clinicians can assist you to find a provider to meet your needs.
The following services covered through the Medi-Cal benefit require authorization as outlined:
- Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalization: Treating hospital please call Optum for authorization at 1-800-798-2254, Option 3.
- Long Term Care: Pre-authorization is required. Treating hospital to request authorization on the client’s behalf by calling Optum at 1-800-798-2254, Option 6.
- Outpatient Specialty Mental Health Services: For referrals, please contact the San Diego Access and Crisis Line, 1-888-724-7240. Providers to request authorization on the client’s behalf by submitting Outpatient Authorization Request.
If you or someone you know is currently experiencing a life threatening emergency please call 911. If you are experiencing a behavioral health crisis or need additional referrals you can call the Access and Crisis Line at 888-724-7240 for immediate assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.